Three words of letter / sound you will never find in any Indonesian dictionary.
Usage :. Focusing, urging the listener to believe what is said
Definition : I tell you; this is certainly the case.
commonly found in the sentence Translation "Kangen deh."
"I miss you, really I do." kan
Usage :. focusing, to seek the agreement of another, usually in the form of a question
Definition : Is that correct? Is this correct
commonly found in the sentence :? "? Begitu kan" Translation "That's the way it is, right"
Use :. with inflection, added a question to any expression
definition : an audible question
commonly found in the sentence . "Lapar kah" Translation : "Are you hungry?"
Usage :. expression of disbelief or surprise
Definition : there is no English equivalent. The closest thing we can find is 'What?'
commonly found in the sentence "Kok bisa" Translation "How can it be"
Usage :. an ad hoc suffix to indicate a loss for words and therefore substitution of another
Definition : Kind of; somehow.
commonly found in the sentence ". Ya, mereka lagi lah fighting" Translation "Yeah, they fight"
[ loh
Usage :. noise used to take offense or confusion something
definition : I am offended; I'm confused.
commonly found in the sentence ". Loh, tidak boleh omong begitu " Translation " Hey, I'm offended, you can not say that "
nah [
Usage : sound used as a conjunction in a case in an argument (often by politicians and bureaucrats) when the speaker takes to close the dispute with an asset or a peak, if you want
definition . So
commonly found in the sentence "Karena begitu, dan karena Alasan Alasan-yang tersebut tadi, nah, oleh Sebab uit .. . " Translation :" because of this, and because of the reasons mentioned above, so ... "
Usage : a look of disbelief when seeking information from another.
Definition : Hell
commonly found in the sentence Translation "Gimana, SIH?" "How the hell"
commonly found in the sentence "Siapa, SIH?" Translation "Who the hell?"
commonly found in the sentence "Apa, SIH" Translation : "What the hell?"
Usage : In conjunction with an adjective to express irony as an insult.
Definition : You think you're so ...
commonly found in the sentence "Sok pintar" Translation "Smarty Pants "
commonly found in the sentence " Sok kaya! " Translation "do you think you are so rich"
Usage After a :. sentence to express the emphasis on what should be obvious to another
definition : Duh
commonly found in the sentence "Ya, pasti, toh" Translation "Yes, of course, duh"